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Final poster festival 2021_v3.jpg

“Sports activities for Nosy Komba”


Have fun and sweat with us! Even a small effort from your side is a great contribution for the people on the island!

"Run for Nosy Komba"


Join us on Strava club for our second edition and run 5km or 10km for Nosy Komba, wherever you are!

"Sweat for Nosy Komba"


Join us riding, hiking, walking, skating and much more to explore virtually Madagascar and Nosy Komba!



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WhatsApp Image 2020-05-31 at

"Relax for Nosy Komba"


A gentle ALL LEVELS flow yoga class, combined with some breathing and meditation.


Restore your body, restore your mind, and send some love into the world! Join Yoga session with the video below.

"Boulder for Nosy Komba"


Boulder open-air and solve many boulder problems with just a pair of shoes and a chalk bag.


In order to provide the team with all stats about your boulder activity, please use the following form:

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"Move for Nosy Komba"


Have fun moving and dancing in this Zumba class.

Zumba Class will take place on Thursday 6th May at 18:30 pm CET


Let the Sunshine In – Sunshine in Nosy Komba Online Festival will go live from Thursday, 6th May to Sunday 9th May.

Screenshot from 2021-05-08 09-05-03.png

Check our Facebook page and Instagram page using the following buttons:  

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

How can you contribute? If you want to contribute, use one of the following buttons below (one is only for Dutch banks).

All the funds raised through this event will help us support the running expenses of the school (with material and personnel) for the next year, guaranteeing that, even in these difficult times, École Banana will keep bringing the best possible education to more than 400 kids and the medical centre will ensure medical care to the local population of more than 1000 people.

We count on your help to achieve this!


Related Links:


Education Project

Health Project

2019 Report

Check other Activities 

TRANSPARENCY is one of our main value:


Check out our annual activity and financial reports!

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