“Stories, quiz, games and experiments”
for Nosy Komba”
Have fun and enjoy stories, quiz, games and experiments with us! Every laugh we are able to make can become a big smile on the faces of people in the village!

"Experiment for Nosy Komba"
Do you like experiments? This is the perfect place to enjoy one of them!
Use the following button to read about the equipment you need for this experiment.
Now that you have everything you need, you can start the rocket experiment... HAVE FUN!
"Quiz for Nosy Komba"
Music, History, Arts, Science, Geography...
Join us for our online quiz and prove who knows the most!
Use the following button to read about the rules.

Now that you know the rules, enjoy the online quiz with the button below. HAVE FUN!

"Escape for Nosy Komba" is our own digital escape room:
Would you be able to solve all misteries? Use the following button to download the file**
**Please note it is not possible to play the game on streaming and it can only be displayed in Microsofot Power Point (Windows)
Let the Sunshine In – Sunshine in Nosy Komba Online Festival will go live from Thursday, 6th May to Sunday 9th May.

Check our Facebook page and Instagram page using the following buttons:
All the funds raised through this event will help us support the running expenses of the school (with material and personnel) for the next year, guaranteeing that, even in these difficult times, École Banana will keep bringing the best possible education to more than 400 kids and the medical centre will ensure medical care to the local population of more than 1000 people.
We count on your help to achieve this!
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